Hey there, Im quite the gamer, and I like Kirbies. Yeah thats right, Kirbies, big whoop, wanna fight about it?

Age 33, Male

SFX Editor

Columbia College


Joined on 6/29/09

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Lionelion's News

Posted by Lionelion - January 17th, 2010

So heres a little known fact about me:
I actually used to visit this site alot when i was younger, but i thought you had to pay to have a grounds gold account, so i never made an account for myself. It wasnt until months ago that i finally decided to make an account, which i then found out that i didnt have to pay for it, which made me happy. I now wish i had made account all those years ago...

Posted by Lionelion - January 13th, 2010

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Play Alice is dead ch 2

If you havent played the first chapter, you might want to, just to get a sense of what is going on.
Anyways, on to the walkthrough!

Starting off, you are in a jail cell of some sort. click on the bed sheets(towards the top) to get cloth. Then click on the broken mirror to get mirror shard. click on the cloth and then on the shard to get a knife. Then click on the toilet flusher, and then quickly click on the toilet bowl to see inside and grab the walnut. now turn around until you see a guy with a card in his head. this is the mad hatter. click on him to speak to him. after you get finished replying, turn around until you see a guy on the floor with mushrooms around him. on the wall there should be some xrays and a small picture of a key. click on the picture of the key, and then talk to the mad hatter again. he will tell you that you need to cut open the dead guys body and then use the walnut on him to shrink down. do exactly that to end up in his stomach.
Once in the stomach, click on the intestine until you find a soft spot, and then use your knife on the soft spot. then you will see then key. click on the key, and a vicious worm will come out. stab him with the knife by clicking on the knife, and then the worm. then try to get the key again, to no avail. then you will start hearing noises. wait until the noises are done, and you will end up back in the cell. turn around until you see the door, and it will now be open.
Click on the door to end up in the hall, and then click on the pathway in the middle that leads to an entrance. you will come to a elevator. disregard it and turn to the right. you will come to a room with 2 dead guards and some computers. click on the newspaper thats on the floor and read it. you will find out that the mad hatter leaves clues in his messages, by reading every second letter. if you do this with the message in the room(the one on the paper hanging on the bookshelf), you will find the phrase "march" . click on the computer, and then type "unlock", and then type "unlock march". this triggers the unlocking of the safe. go back, and then turn until you get to a place with several tv screens and an unlocked safe.
Take the pictures that are there, and then turn to the right to see a picture of a man with a birds head and 3 buttons to the side. if you click on the speaker, you will find out that the picture is incorrect, so you need to correct it. click on the top button to change the head to a chicken(or possibly rooster), click on the middle button until you get a heart, and click on the bottom button until you get two hands, in which one of them is throwing away a coin. this will trigger a mechanical arm to come down, then it will go back up and come back down with a blue door. click on it to come to a pasture with a weird machine. click on the machine to be finished!

Happy Hatter--when responding to the mad hatter, only use the top responses
Hatter, Mad--same as above, only this time just use the bottom responses
Something Fishy--simply beat the game
Secret medal--Hint: when you come to the hallway, click on the hole in the wall and stay there for awhile....

Hope this helps everybody! if you have any questions or comments, either pm me or just comment below!

Posted by Lionelion - January 3rd, 2010

Well, at least my name is. if you have watched the movie, or plan on seeing it, about 90 mins in, when Holmes is sitting on a chair with scribbles on the wall behind him, my name is to the right of him(his left, your right)! i was totally surprised by this! i'll try to get a pic of it as soon as i can download it to my computer.

Posted by Lionelion - December 28th, 2009

So Christmas has come and gone, hope everyone got what they wanted. as for me, i know i did. anyways, now is the time to welcome in the new year, 2010, the year i finally graduate from high school lol. Anybody else have any major events happening 2010?

Posted by Lionelion - December 23rd, 2009

Santa Fu! walkthrough
play it here
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-x or s for middle punch
-z or a for middle kick
-left to go left
-right to go right
-down to duck
-up to jump
-duck and x/s to low punch
-duck and z/a to low kick
-up and x/s to high punch
-up and z/a to high kick
-p for pause
-1-6 for music change

-big elves, nutcrackers, and gingerbread men --> just comes at you and tries to hump you(?)- just punch or kick them(if they get to you, just mash the left or right arrows to shake them off)
-dad--> throws a pipe at you, middle or low-just dodge by jumping or ducking and then punch or kick him
-little elves--> same attack as nutcrackers and others, may sometimes jump on your head-hit them with a low punch or low kick
-mom--> attacks with a rolling pin, low attack and middle attack-just dodge and attack
-christmas tree--> comes down from the ceiling and spews fire in one spot-just dodge and attack
-snake--> also comes down from the ceiling-just jump to dodge them
(note: it is possible to kill the tree and snakes from the orbs they come from by high kicking or high punching them when they come down)
-birds--> come flying at you with candy canes-either get them with a low punch or just dodge them with a jump
-mini tree--> drops from the ceiling and hovers in the air just above you for a few seconds, then explodes and shoots 3 fragments downward-just dodge these

-Level 1--> enemies: big elves, nutcrackers, gingerbread men, dads
boss: Turbo Man--> throws punches and rocket punches (bursts forward while punching)-to defeat him, just duck and use low punches or low kicks. if you dont duck, you're dead meat. after you defeat him, just punch the big pink bear behind him(who is his sidekick Booster) and continue on
-Level 2--> enemies: christmas trees, mini trees, snakes, big elves, little elves, gingerbread men, nutcrackers, dads
boss: Scut Fargus--> throws consecutive punches, and also throws boomerang candy canes, middle and low that end up opposite (ie if he throws it from low, it ends up middle, if he throws from middle, it ends up low)-jump and duck to dodge the candy canes, and just kick him to attack. dont get to close, or he'll get you with his one-two combo attack
-Level 3--> enemies: big elves, nutcrackers, gingerbread men, dads, moms
boss: Frosty--> throws his head to attack and regenerates another head, also attacks with a snow hammer right in front of him-middle attacks wont cut it this time, if you attack his head, he just regenerates another one for no damage, so you must get in close and attack with low punches or low kicks. be sure to get out of the way when he readies his snow hammer(he will raise his arms above his head), and just duck to dodge when he throws his head. after you defeat him, his body melts, and, if you so wish, you can low kick his head!
-Level 4--> enemies: birds, big elves, small elves, nutcrackers, gingerbread men
boss: Rudolph--> shoots middle and low laser beams-jump and duck to dodge the lasers, and then just corner him to the right and kick the stuffing out of him
-Level 5-->enemies: big elves, little elves, nutcrackers, gingerbread men, birds, christmas trees, mini trees, snakes, moms, dads (basically every enemy)
boss: Jesus or Santa (depending on which character you are playing as: Jesus if you are playing as Santa or Raptor Jesus, Santa if you are playing as Jesus)--> this one is a little more difficult, as he has the exact same move set as you do, plus he has a roundhouse kick. all i did was stay in one spot and kick, and let him run into the kicks. if you dont want to do that, then just attack and dodge at the right time. dont get too close or he will roundhouse kick you.

Once you defeat the game, the game will restart(ie you keep your lives and score, but it just puts you back at the first level) and you will get to play through it again, but this time enemies give more damage and are worth more points (about 10% more points than they originally were)

-Sounds Good--> just listen to all the sound tracks
-Turbo Power--> simply beat level 1
-Elfinator--> just defeat 10 of each elf type-this will happen as you are playing the game
-Oh Fudge-->just defeat level 2
-Yellow Snow--> beat level 3
-Nutcracker--> kill 100 enemies by punching them in the nuts (ie low punches)-this will also happen as you are playing the game, as long as you are using low punches
-Paindeer-->defeat level 4
-Santa Fu Disciple-->defeat any of the first 4 levels without taking damage-kinda hard to do, just stay on your toes. try to get this one on level 1
-Santa Fu Master-->defeat the last level without taking damage-same as before, except its the final level instead. again, really stay on your toes with this one
-Determined-->defeat the game with each of the three playable characters at least once
-King O' Christmas-->just simply defeat level 5

-Defeat the game with Santa to unlock Jesus
-Defeat the game with Jesus to unlock Raptor Jesus
(note: the unlockable characters are no different from santa, ie they have no special moves, they have the exact same move set as santa)

There ya go! if anyone has anything they think im missing or that i should add, just pm me!

Posted by Lionelion - December 5th, 2009

Tis the season to be jolly, am i wrong? So what are YOUR plans for the upcoming festivities NG?

Posted by Lionelion - November 19th, 2009

So apparitionally, stores like Walmart and Kmart and all those sorts of stores like to skip over Thanksgiving and go immediately to Christmas after Halloween. call me testicles, but i think they could make a lot more money if they sold merchandise for both holidays. it kinda pisses me off, seeing them selling Christmas stuff, when its not even Thanksgiving yet! Odd, isnt it?

Posted by Lionelion - November 1st, 2009

so halloween is now over, and although i didnt go trick or treating, i still got lots o candy! anyways, heres a question: how many boards would the mongols hoard if the mongol horde got bored?

Posted by Lionelion - October 25th, 2009

Halloween is coming up...too bad im too old to go trick-or-treating now, according to my parents >:( anyways, what are YOU doing for halloween? parties? trick or treating? and if so, what costume? wanna come talk? im all ears...

Posted by Lionelion - September 26th, 2009

10nis ne1? all joking aside, as stated in previous news posts, i just wanna talk about whatever. so if youre bored, come talk! it would be greatly appreciated