Hey there, Im quite the gamer, and I like Kirbies. Yeah thats right, Kirbies, big whoop, wanna fight about it?

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E Fucking 3!

Posted by Lionelion - June 5th, 2012

EDIT: A few release dates have been added at the bottom
Videos of Nintendo related stuff at E3, this includes all the presentations and more
DAY 1(of Nintendo)
Hot damn the WiiU is looking awesome! DO WANT! Im just impressed by all the different features of it! A social networking for WiiU owners? YES, THANK YOU! Video chatting? DEFINITELY! Interactive gamepad gameplay? GENIUS! I just cant wait for the release!
New Super Mario Bros U!
Hah, this is looking just great! New powerups, new lands, new almost everything. Im liking the look of that Flying Squirrel costume, and the bubble yoshi as well, it looks to be lots of fun and lots of laughs.
New Super Mario Bros 2!
Woah, a Mario game thats all about the coins? They must really wanted to make sure that noone was ever going to run out of lives! Seriously though, its looking awesome. The return of the Raccoon suit and the P-wing meter? YES!!!!
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!
Finally, the sequel! And its looking as spooky as ever! Gotta say, im really psyched for this one, looking to be phenomenal
Paper Mario: Sticker Star!
The return of turn-based combat! FINALLY! This was what i was looking forward to the most. Also just psyched to have another Paper Mario game, its one of my favorite series!
um....thats about all that caught my eye today. Nintendo Land looked kind of cool too, though im gonna be disappoint if there is no Kirby themed game in there, which is looking to be the case.
3DS conference today!
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!
So i didnt mention before, but you'll be going through multiple mansions this time, not just one! And you'll be fighting off more than just ghosts, theres suits of armor and giant spiders as well. Its gonna be one great game!
Paper Mario: Sticker Star!
So as the name implies, stickers are going to be everywhere in this game, and the game is really about how you use them as well. Stickers are how you fight, so be sure to collect as many as you can. Also, you dont level up by gaining experience from fights, you level up by helping others out by using stickers! Looking to be an awesome game!
New Super Mario Bros 2!
So i said it before, but this game is all about the coins! What we learned today was that single player mode, aka story mode, can now be 2 player! You no longer have to take on the levels by yourself if youve got a friend who will help! Speaking of, streetpass is all about Coin Rush. Basically, you have to take on 3 different levels that youve played through before, but you have to grab as many coins as you can, and you only have 1 life to do so. You can then streetpass your record for your friends to try and beat! And this was the only one we got a set release date for: August 19th. The others just said at the holidays. Looking to be superb!
Of course there were other games there too, a Castlevania game, a Kingdom Hearts game, and Pokemon Black and White 2(which is actually for the DS, but certain software is going to be released for the 3DS to make it special for those who own a 3DS) to name a few, but these were the ones i was really paying attention to.
Also, you no longer have to go out and buy games anymore! Starting with NSMB2, you can just download games from the eShop instead of going out to buy them, so if you normally had to wait longer cuz you couldnt get to a store, you no longer have that problem!
Well that pretty much wraps it up for Nintendo. When I find out specific release dates, i'll add them in!
New Super Mario Bros 2: August 19th(already past)
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon: 2013
WiiU: November 18th
Paper Mario Sticker Star: November 11th
Pokemon Black/White 2: October 7th
Kirby's 20th anniversary: September 16fh
A new game every month! Pretty sweet, huh? I know im excited!

E Fucking 3!


Not a big fan of the Wii-U, but the 3ds does kick quite alot of ass-- Can't beat all the touched up n64 games.

erm huh? There arent really any touched up N64 games besides Ocarina of Time and Star Fox, everything is pretty much new, what are you referring to?

The wiiU does loom sick. I'll probably get it after I get the next Playstation.

I didnt watch Sony's presentation, did they announce a general release date for the PS4?

You must be dying of excitement. <a href="http://wegotthiscovered.com/news/kirby-20th-anniversary-collection-classic-kirby-titles/">http://wegotthiscovered.com/news/kirby-20th-an niversary-collection-classic-kirby-titles/</a>

FUCK YES! Thank you for this! Hope it comes to the US before 2013!

I think the PS4 will be released in like two years, so by then the WiiU's price should have dropped down enough. I don't see the point of releasing a new Playstation yet, other than for money.

Does the PS4 have anything that the PS3 doesnt, beside better graphics?

Wow! That looks sick!
I still reckon PS3, NDS and GBA/GBC are the best consoles, but then again that's my personal opinion.
I'm not really a fan of the Wii, but that just looks WICKED!

It does look pretty cool doesnt it? I cant wait to get my hands on one!

No longer needing to go out to get games? The fat get fatter.

Hah, didnt even think about that. Nintendo is making us even lazier than we already were! They must have some kind of secret agenda!

Totally unrelated to the post, but hello there! Apparently I'm a fatal character to come across in Blessed Sin...

Yes, so ive heard. Want to form a pact if we meet up? I dont really want to fight others

The WiiU has implemented video chatting? That's pretty interesting.

Isnt it though? Makes it easier for gamers to contact other gamers!

good luck on trying to master the wiiu i got to test it for a little while and it was amazing as fuck but i could not completely get it mastered before the testing time was over

heh, i'll have all the time in the world, so i'll get the hang of it sooner or later

You will be mine...

no, YOU will be mine!

I read your name like linolium.

Heh, never saw that, but i guess it does look similar huh?


Then why did you read it that way?

Aw, I don't see any Legend of Zelda games for the Wii U.

In fact, I still haven't got my grip on Skyward Sword. Did you ever play it?

Actually no, I havent, and I still want to, but with the other games coming out, I feel like im never gonna get any free time

kirbys stomach is a black hole

Pretty much ;)

Wow video chatting in the WiiU?
Thats really interesting.

Definitely! I cannot wait for this to come out!

Wait I can see the camara on the controller
Awesome! :3

It does look cool doesnt it? :3

The remote looks like an iPod touch with analog sticks and buttons LOTS of buttons.

I thought it looked more like an Ipad kinda with more buttons and analog sticks

Happy Clock Day!

stop saying that!

lol, I've never seen Clock Kirbies before.

hahah, its just for clock day, i'll change it back tomorrow

i saved your clock icon on my desktop

it'll be there forever

Yay! Long live Kirby-Clock!

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