(HEY IM NOT DEAD! I'll make a new newspost when I get my WiiU!)
(Before you ask, I put the crying face because I am so happy that Im crying. Well, I didnt actually cry, but I did shed a tear out of pure joy)
Wow.....20 years its been for Kirby. Can you believe it? I sure cant. I still remember the first Kirby game I played: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards! That was the game that started it all for me....*smiles dreamily*
Anyways, onto the actual game! So much content to talk about, where should I begin?
Well, first and foremost, there is an interactive history of Kirby and all his games! There's a timeline that goes from 1992 to 2012, and each year has something, and even if a Kirby game wasnt released on a certain year, they just put a golden statue of a character there instead. You see Kirby, running down the aisle, as you switch through all the years and the games that were released on those years. It also gives a little historical trivia about world events that happened on those years. The notable things here are the 3 episodes of Kirby Right Back At Ya! that you can watch. Bet ya didnt know that there was a cartoon anime for Kirby, did ya? Yep, 100 episodes to be exact. You can only view 3 of them here though. The other notable thing is at the very end, you can view special music video of the song "Gourmet Race to Green Greens: Chamber music". Its pretty delightful
Moving on, there are 6 classic games for you to play! The titles include Kirby's Dreamland, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's Dreamland 2, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dreamland 3, and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Boy oh boy are these games fun! You also get to learn a bit about Kirby's roots through these games, like how Kirby was originally going to be white, and not have a copy ability! Shocking, huh? Anyways, these games are just pure nostalgia, and they hold up just as well as when they were first released. Oh, forgot to mention, back in the timeline, if you come across these 6 games, as youre viewing the info about them, if you want, you can just jump in and start playing, theres an option for that!
Lastly, if you played Kirby's Return to Dreamland, you'll know about the various Challenge stages that were in the game. Well, 7 new ones have been added, and are just waiting for you to play them. The abilities include Parasol, Whip, Sword, Spark, Fighter, Wing, and Smash. Hmm? Whats that you say? Whats the Smash ability? Well, have you ever played Super Smash Bros with Kirby? The Smash ability gives him those moves exactly! Its definitely one of my favorite abilities. So there are 7 new challenge rooms for you to get through, and something new called Magolor Race. Its exactly like it sounds: you race Magolor through a course, all the while dodging or destroying all the obstacles or enemies he summons to make it harder for you.
Well, that was all that was within the game, but there are some extras! There is a music CD containing 45 music pieces from the Kirby games, and some very special remixes! Also there is a Celebration book that contains all sorts of info, sketches, and much more about all the games and everything! Its quite the look-through!
Well, that just about does it for this ultra special collection. Oh, and did I forget to mention, I am the same age as Kirby!(also, check back often, i'll probably be changing the picture to other Kirby related images!)
Happy 20th Kirby Anniversary! :D
Its so joyous!