So I know I havent been updating this so much, but there really hasnt been much to talk about. However, a few things happened recently that I figured I could at least update you guys with, if nothing else.
So first off, Smash Bros 3DS came out on the 3rd! Ive been playing it pretty much non-stop(as much non-stop as schoolwork will allow), and Ive been quite impressed with what it has to offer. I wont go into a full review of it here, but suffice to say that if youve been a fan of the games, this one wont let you down. Plus, you can now finally Smash on the go! Official website be here
Next, October has finally rolled around, and you all know what that means: Holloween! Yes, Holloween is one of my favorite times of the year, and even though I dont go trick-or-treating anymore, I still like to dress up, go to parties, and eat candy! If any of you plan on dressing up this year, tell me what you'll be dressing up as, I'd love to hear!
Lastly, School. The main reason Ive had such a lack of news posts is mainly because ive been busy with all my schoolwork. Im taking a music software and editing course this semester, which takes up a lot more of my time than I initially thought it would. I really like the course though, so even though ive been busy, ive been liking some of the work ive been doing.
So thats all for me for right now. Heres a question to leave you all with something to think about: Would you do something inherantly evil in order to save a friend?