Hey there, Im quite the gamer, and I like Kirbies. Yeah thats right, Kirbies, big whoop, wanna fight about it?

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Lionelion's News

Posted by Lionelion - February 14th, 2013

(CURRENTLY PLAYING: Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon)
So for my birthday this year, I finally purchased a WiiU! Needless to say, this was long overdue. I immediately set about to setting it up and playing, and once all the updates and transferring was done, I finally got to play!
First things first was to set up my Miiverse account, otherwise I wouldnt be able to see comments or add friends! So far, Miiverse is pretty cool. It allows you to post comments while playing games, allowing you to share thoughts or ask for help, and reply to posts made by others. Its pretty damn cool.
Then I set about syncing my TV with my WiiU so I could control the TV right from the WiiU gamepad. Gotta say, feels pretty awesome changing channels when youre doing it on a gamepad. Nintendo TVii also allows you to set your favorite shows, and it will then tell you when they will be on, and if you'd like to record it or not. Its pretty damn useful.
The WiiU also has screen/voice chat! If you want, you could call up other WiiU owners and have a chat, or ask questions about a game! Seems kinda odd at first(who'd wanna call a random person up, right?), but if your friends or family have a WiiU, you could face chat with them! Thats the cool part.
Of course, theres still the games. And 1080p graphics certainly dont hurt when playing. So far ive played Nintendo Land, and New Super Mario Bros U, or NSMBU for short, and both are awesome. I wont go into much detail about them, cuz I wanna focus on the system, but they are both excellent games to buy, and I recommend doing so.
The Gamepad. Excellent in and of itself. Playing a game, but someone else wants to watch TV? Not a problem, just continue playing on the gamepad screen! No need to stop gaming now just cuz of someone else! The gamepad also enables 5 person gameplay on certain games, something that hasnt been able to happen yet on consoles, excluding online play(we're talking local, as in, 5 people in a room, all playing the same game).
Theres still more to talk about, but im still experiencing it for myself! So i'll continue to update this until im fully comfortable using the WiiU.
(This was posted from the WiiU internet browser(cept for the picture), which is also quite good, definitely better than average)

WiiU, WiiMii, finally

Posted by Lionelion - September 16th, 2012

(HEY IM NOT DEAD! I'll make a new newspost when I get my WiiU!)
(Before you ask, I put the crying face because I am so happy that Im crying. Well, I didnt actually cry, but I did shed a tear out of pure joy)
Wow.....20 years its been for Kirby. Can you believe it? I sure cant. I still remember the first Kirby game I played: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards! That was the game that started it all for me....*smiles dreamily*
Anyways, onto the actual game! So much content to talk about, where should I begin?
Well, first and foremost, there is an interactive history of Kirby and all his games! There's a timeline that goes from 1992 to 2012, and each year has something, and even if a Kirby game wasnt released on a certain year, they just put a golden statue of a character there instead. You see Kirby, running down the aisle, as you switch through all the years and the games that were released on those years. It also gives a little historical trivia about world events that happened on those years. The notable things here are the 3 episodes of Kirby Right Back At Ya! that you can watch. Bet ya didnt know that there was a cartoon anime for Kirby, did ya? Yep, 100 episodes to be exact. You can only view 3 of them here though. The other notable thing is at the very end, you can view special music video of the song "Gourmet Race to Green Greens: Chamber music". Its pretty delightful
Moving on, there are 6 classic games for you to play! The titles include Kirby's Dreamland, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's Dreamland 2, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dreamland 3, and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Boy oh boy are these games fun! You also get to learn a bit about Kirby's roots through these games, like how Kirby was originally going to be white, and not have a copy ability! Shocking, huh? Anyways, these games are just pure nostalgia, and they hold up just as well as when they were first released. Oh, forgot to mention, back in the timeline, if you come across these 6 games, as youre viewing the info about them, if you want, you can just jump in and start playing, theres an option for that!
Lastly, if you played Kirby's Return to Dreamland, you'll know about the various Challenge stages that were in the game. Well, 7 new ones have been added, and are just waiting for you to play them. The abilities include Parasol, Whip, Sword, Spark, Fighter, Wing, and Smash. Hmm? Whats that you say? Whats the Smash ability? Well, have you ever played Super Smash Bros with Kirby? The Smash ability gives him those moves exactly! Its definitely one of my favorite abilities. So there are 7 new challenge rooms for you to get through, and something new called Magolor Race. Its exactly like it sounds: you race Magolor through a course, all the while dodging or destroying all the obstacles or enemies he summons to make it harder for you.
Well, that was all that was within the game, but there are some extras! There is a music CD containing 45 music pieces from the Kirby games, and some very special remixes! Also there is a Celebration book that contains all sorts of info, sketches, and much more about all the games and everything! Its quite the look-through!
Well, that just about does it for this ultra special collection. Oh, and did I forget to mention, I am the same age as Kirby!(also, check back often, i'll probably be changing the picture to other Kirby related images!)

Kirby's 20th Anniversary!

Posted by Lionelion - June 5th, 2012

EDIT: A few release dates have been added at the bottom
Videos of Nintendo related stuff at E3, this includes all the presentations and more
DAY 1(of Nintendo)
Hot damn the WiiU is looking awesome! DO WANT! Im just impressed by all the different features of it! A social networking for WiiU owners? YES, THANK YOU! Video chatting? DEFINITELY! Interactive gamepad gameplay? GENIUS! I just cant wait for the release!
New Super Mario Bros U!
Hah, this is looking just great! New powerups, new lands, new almost everything. Im liking the look of that Flying Squirrel costume, and the bubble yoshi as well, it looks to be lots of fun and lots of laughs.
New Super Mario Bros 2!
Woah, a Mario game thats all about the coins? They must really wanted to make sure that noone was ever going to run out of lives! Seriously though, its looking awesome. The return of the Raccoon suit and the P-wing meter? YES!!!!
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!
Finally, the sequel! And its looking as spooky as ever! Gotta say, im really psyched for this one, looking to be phenomenal
Paper Mario: Sticker Star!
The return of turn-based combat! FINALLY! This was what i was looking forward to the most. Also just psyched to have another Paper Mario game, its one of my favorite series!
um....thats about all that caught my eye today. Nintendo Land looked kind of cool too, though im gonna be disappoint if there is no Kirby themed game in there, which is looking to be the case.
3DS conference today!
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!
So i didnt mention before, but you'll be going through multiple mansions this time, not just one! And you'll be fighting off more than just ghosts, theres suits of armor and giant spiders as well. Its gonna be one great game!
Paper Mario: Sticker Star!
So as the name implies, stickers are going to be everywhere in this game, and the game is really about how you use them as well. Stickers are how you fight, so be sure to collect as many as you can. Also, you dont level up by gaining experience from fights, you level up by helping others out by using stickers! Looking to be an awesome game!
New Super Mario Bros 2!
So i said it before, but this game is all about the coins! What we learned today was that single player mode, aka story mode, can now be 2 player! You no longer have to take on the levels by yourself if youve got a friend who will help! Speaking of, streetpass is all about Coin Rush. Basically, you have to take on 3 different levels that youve played through before, but you have to grab as many coins as you can, and you only have 1 life to do so. You can then streetpass your record for your friends to try and beat! And this was the only one we got a set release date for: August 19th. The others just said at the holidays. Looking to be superb!
Of course there were other games there too, a Castlevania game, a Kingdom Hearts game, and Pokemon Black and White 2(which is actually for the DS, but certain software is going to be released for the 3DS to make it special for those who own a 3DS) to name a few, but these were the ones i was really paying attention to.
Also, you no longer have to go out and buy games anymore! Starting with NSMB2, you can just download games from the eShop instead of going out to buy them, so if you normally had to wait longer cuz you couldnt get to a store, you no longer have that problem!
Well that pretty much wraps it up for Nintendo. When I find out specific release dates, i'll add them in!
New Super Mario Bros 2: August 19th(already past)
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon: 2013
WiiU: November 18th
Paper Mario Sticker Star: November 11th
Pokemon Black/White 2: October 7th
Kirby's 20th anniversary: September 16fh
A new game every month! Pretty sweet, huh? I know im excited!

E Fucking 3!

Posted by Lionelion - February 29th, 2012

Gotta make sure i make a note of this by making a new news post! If i dont, i wont have this chance again for 4 more years! i cant wait that long!

Posted by Lionelion - February 7th, 2012

given, there are downs as well as ups, but for the most part, its epic!
dont you agree?

Posted by Lionelion - November 8th, 2011

So for those of you who dont know, or arent big Kirby fans, Kirby has had some action in the past 2 months. As mentioned in a previous post, the game Kirby: Mass Attack came out for the DS in september, and more recently, the game Kirby's Return to Dreamland came out in october, just around 2 weeks ago actually. I'll be talking about the latter in this post.
So in Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Kirby finally gets his copy ability back! This is kinda big, because in his last 2 games, Kirby: Mass Attack, and Kirby's Epic Yarn, he didnt get to use his copy ability. At all. Which is kinda weird, since thats what really defines who Kirby is. But i digress. Anyways, this new game has lots of abilities for Kirby to copy, some old, some new, and some super. Did I say super? Yes I did. In this game, at certain special spots, Kirby gets to have certain Super Abilities, which basically decimate anything that is in his way. And i mean anything, including the very landscape itself! But being as powerful as they are, they are only active for a certain amount of time, so ya gotta act quick!
Like i said before, Kirby has lots of abilities to use in this new game. 23 in all in fact. 22 if you discount the sleep ability, 28 if you include the super abilities, 27 if you include the super abilities and discount the sleep ability, i'll leave that up to you to decide. Im not gonna go into detail and list them all here, you'll have to play it for yourself to find out what they are.
Another huge thing about this game is that it is multiplayer, with up to 4 players at once. This is big, because this is the first time Kirby has been multiplayer. Yes, Kirby's Epic Yarn did have a 2-player option, but that doesnt really count as multiplayer, so im not counting that. The other players can play as King Dedede, Meta Knight, Waddle Dee, or a different colored Kirby! King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Waddle Dee each have their own respective abilities, such as hammer for Dedede, and Sword for Meta Knight. Wanna know what Waddle Dee's is? Go play the game. Its fun to play with all of them at once, and just as much fun to play with 4 Kirbys(Kirbies?)at once too, or any combination of the like.
In short, Kirby gets his copy ability back, and its multiplayer. If thats not enough reason for you to go get this game, I dont know what is. Needless to say, I really recommend this game. SO GO GET IT! NAO!

Back, Kirby is

Posted by Lionelion - September 22nd, 2011

So...been awhile huh. Yeah i havent been on NG as much, ive been busy with MUGEN. I pretty much got addicted to it. For those of you who dont know Mugen is a 2d fighting game engine, where you can fight as pretty much almost anyone you can think of, and can edit pretty much every aspect of the game to your liking. I found it to be awesome. If you are really gonna get into it tho, make sure you have plenty of space on your hard drive, as it can take up quite a lot of space if you let it. If you wanna give it a try, heres the link for the download, and there are tutorials for editing things on Youtube
Anyways, as of the past few days, ive been playing Kirby: Mass Attack! which came out on the 19th. I just finished the game today. Now to play it through again 2 more times! If youre a kirby/platformer fan, this is definitely something to look into. However, if you are a kirby fan, be warned, once again, there is no copy ability or flying or things like that, so its not a normal kirby game.
But fear not kirby fans, an awesome kirby game is coming out next month for the wii, with kirby in all his copy ability goodness. Its called Kirby: Return to Dreamland. It comes out Oct 24th, and it looks pretty sweet. Its got new copy abilities, such as leaf and whip, super copy abilities, which pretty much take out all enemies on screen and more, and is even multiplayer with up to 4 people at once. Others can play as Meta Knight, King Dedede, or blue capped Waddle Dee. Of course you could also just play as a different colored kirby if you'd rather, its your choice.
So thats whats been going on with me....boy, i gotta get back into the swing of things here on NG, ive dropped so much in the medal standings because ive been neglecting the games, so if you'll excuse me, ive got medal games to play. Till next time!

A Mass Attack!

Posted by Lionelion - June 7th, 2011

I'll be updating this as i get more info throughout the week, so stay tuned.
So E3 coverage just started today, and so far, being the Nintendo fanboy i am, i am totally psyched! The Wii U does look a little odd at first, but does look really cool! What im really psyched about are the new games! Ive only seen a few so far, but the ones ive seen are really exciting, at least for me! I saw the following titles: Kirby Wii, Super Mario, and Luigi's Mansion 2. There are a ton others, but these were the ones that caught my eye. Kirby especially, if this game is gonna be what i think it is, its gonna be better than Epic Yarn. Also really looking forward to Super Mario, the return of the tanooki suit is gonna be epic!
If you have 3DS, then you should also be psyched, as Ocarina of Time is coming out on the 3DS! Its in honor of Zelda's 25th anniversary. And it sounds like the music is really going to be good. Also coming out for the 3DS are the aforementioned titles, Super Mario, and Luigi's Mansion 2, along with another Mario Kart, Starfox, and Kid Icarus! Also, a new Paper Mario! And if you havent yet, update your 3DS! Other titles coming out include Animal Crossing, Tetris, and MGS: Snake Eater 3D, and more.
We also got some new games for the Wii coming out, as well as new titles for the DS! Now because hes my favorite character, i have to say that there is a new Kirby game coming out for the Wii, and another one for the DS, called Kirby Wii and Kirby: Mass Attack respectively. Kirby Wii just looks like the best yet, and Mass Attack doesnt look half bad either. Other titles for the Wii include Skyward Sword, which is also quite exciting, Mario Party 9, another Mario & Sonic at olympic games, and some others. For the DS, A new Professor Layton game and a new Dragon quest game, along with one other game.
A previous game is getting updates, New Super Mario Bros Wii, is getting a newer version of it for Wii U, called New Super Mario Bros Mii, where you can play as your Miis!
Oh yeah, the Wii U can also do video chat, how awesome is that?!?
Heres a link to where you can find the live feed from Nintendo that went on today, as well as links to the rest of the info
This live feed link could possibly be better, its from Gametrailers
Here is a list of all announced games for Wii, DS, and 3DS

Wii U/E3!

Posted by Lionelion - February 19th, 2011

*see bottom for update*
Well, first off, my birthday was last week, so im officially 19 now, woot.
Now for the real reason for this post.
Next month is huge for video gamers, especially those who like the Nintendo franchise. First off, March 6th is when Pokemon Black/White comes out! Woot! I'll admit, when I first heard about this, I had my doubts. After getting more info about it and letting some time pass though, some of those doubts were dissipated. Admittedly I still dont really like the idea of a 5th generation of Pokemon, but I am excited for the game. I even have all the event pokemon ready to transfer over to activate the events asap. If i were you, I would pre-order this game if you like the pokemon franchise. The only reason I havent yet is another story that im not getting into.
Later on in the month, I do believe its March 27th, is when the 3DS comes out! Huge Woot! I have been looking forward to this the second I heard about it. I got even more excited when I heard about some of the titles that were going to be released on it. For one, another Paper Mario, for a second, a Legend of Zelda game, and many more. I tell you, this is gonna be huge. Its gonna be so big that I am at a loss for words as to how to describe it. Once again, If I were you, I would pre-order this. And also once again, the only reason I havent yet is another story, albeit the same one mentioned before, that im not getting into, because it would just bore you, and noone likes being bored.
Anyways, thats all I had to say for now, but I may update this sometime later to include some other stuff if I so feel led to.

I now have had both for awhile, and they are both awesome
FC on pokemon is 5329 0256 3664
FC on 3DS is 4210 3998 8810
If you add me, make sure to comment below or send me a pm saying you did so and give me your FC on whichever one you added me on so i can add you :)

An Update, Pokemon B/W, and 3DS

Posted by Lionelion - December 26th, 2010

Hey everybody, Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year. I hope you guys got what you wanted. I know I sure did, seeing as I really only had 1 major thing on my list, and i got it. Super Mario's All Stars 25th Anniversary Edition for the Wii. It comes with a CD that has 10 songs from Mario games of the past, and 10 Mario sound effects. Also included is a booklet with pre-production sketches for the Mario games that were created with comments from the father of Mario himself, Shigeru Miyamoto. Its pretty cool. If you are a fan of Mario, and you own a Wii, you should definitely get this, its a great buy too, only like $25 or something. There are also other things you can get related to this, there is a website you can check all this out at, just click here. Well I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, best wishes to you all!

Merry Holidays/Mario's 25th